
Starkville Academy offers an array of academic organizations, clubs, and activities for student participation. Organizations are formed as student interest dictates, and each club has its own specific membership requirements. In the fall, Starkville Academy hosts an organization fair for students to learn more about each club and promote involvement.

2024 Robotics Club State Champions

Giving back to the community is important at Starkville Academy, and anchor club provides opportunities for students to do just that. Students participate throughout the year in unique, interesting and impactful community service projects.

Anchor Club:

Better Together is a high school club dedicated to serve, help, and encourage one another here in our school and in our community.  “Two are better  than one, because they have a good return in their labor.” -Ecclesiastes 4:9 

Better Together:

The purpose of this society is to recognize students with high achievement in advanced level computer science courses. Standards of admission are set by the Computer Science Honor Society and Starkville Academy.

Computer Science national honor society:

Diamond Girls is for junior and senior girls ready to assist our baseball teams for the season! Diamond girls assist with the smooth operation of our JV & Varsity home baseball games.

Diamond Girls

FCA seeks to bring together students with an interest in two main ideas: their faith in God and their interest in athletics.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes:

The purpose of this society is to recognize excellence in theater performance and participation. Members are eligible for induction after participating in two musicals or one musical and two one act plays.

International Thespian Society:

NHS recognizes students with high achievement in science. The standards are set by the National Science Honor Society and Starkville Academy. SNHS provides opportunities for students to participate in community service projects related to the principles of science.

National Honor Society:

The quiz bowl team competes head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. Students compete in organized quiz bowl competitions and in the Starkville Academy Students vs. Teachers Quiz Bowl and Starkville Academy Students vs. Parents Quiz Bowl.


Our team transforms plywood, PVC pipe, random hardware, and some electronic stuff into a robot that solves real-world challenges while competing at state and regional levels against other teams from throughout the Southeastern United States. BEST Robotics is a program designed to excite students about science, technology, engineering, and math while inspiring them to pursue careers in these fields. We make math and physics understandable while teaching students to use basic tools in a safe environment.

Robotics Team:

This is our SA Book Club that seeks students in 4th through 5th grade that share the interest of reading. We read, enjoy discussing, and make predictions through novels together. The goal is to develop life long readers.

Rockin’ Readers:

This society recognizes students with high achievement in scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Standards of admission are set by the National Honor Society and Starkville Academy.

Science National Honor Society:

Starkville academy leadership team:

Student Ambassadors are a group of students enrolled at Starkville Academy dedicated to the positive promotion of Starkville Academy. Students volunteer with Starkville Academy events, promote SA to prospective families and students, assist with alumni outreach and events, and represent SA in the Starkville community on a volunteer basis.

Student ambassadors:

The purpose of student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership through organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. The student council is also the voice of the student body.

Student Council:

Vols production:

Vols Production is a student-lead and student-run organization providing a high quality livestream service to all Starkville Academy patrons. Students participate in resume building activities, like graphic and video design, and working with camera and live-streaming equipment, which in turn will provide an opportunity for a successful career in the broadcasting or communication field.

SALT is a group of student athletes that meet quarterly to discuss different athletic topics and explore ways to improve the Volunteer experience. Students are nominated and chosen from every sport to represent their team.

Preserving every moment is very important to Starkville Academy. The primary job of our SA yearbook staff is to capture memories and design a permanent publication that can be enjoyed for many years to come. Students on yearbook staff work countless hours during and after school to publish the best yearbook possible.

Yearbook Staff:


Student Handbook


School Uniforms